iTuner Manual
Return value:
0 -> syntax okay, movement started, no notification (REV<2.25)
1 -> syntax okay, movement started, notification message will be send
<0 -> one of the axis has a syntax error
The POS command takes one or multiple pairs of axis/position definitions, all to
be executed simultaneously. The tuner returns control immediately to the client
by sending the result code and a job ID#, and an error message (if required). The
user shall monitor for completion of all movements, by either:
polling the tuner by sending the STATUS? command
waiting for the completion notification message ‘JOB#n completed’ send
by the tuner (Revision > 2.20 only).
One cannot move the axis beyond the limits specified in the configuration
EEPROM. Movement stops when reaching the limit.
Up to four axis can move simultaneously.
Pos 1 1000
Pos 1 500 2 1500
move axis 1 to position 1000
move axis 1 to 500 and axis 2 to 1500
Call POS? to query the current position of one or all axis
Pos? [axis]
specifies axis. Use zero (0) to get position of all axis
Return value:
Returns a string with the current positions: POS: A1=1000 A2=0
The POS? can be send even while the tuner is moving, the instantaneous position
at the time of the query is returned .
Pos? 2
Query position of all axis
Query position of axis 2 only