Focal Point Centrurion 30 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12





UTT  ((ccoonnttiinnuueedd))

Place the centre row of four broken coals, making

sure that they do not fall down into the flame port

but bridge across the spaces as shown.  Rotational

orientation maybe as desired.

Place the top row of five broken coals onto the flats in

the matrix.  Ensure the coals are not put into holes in

the matrix.  Bridge the gaps between the support pil-

lars and rear of the matrix and the centre row of coals.

Rotational orientation may be as desired.


Noottee::  TThhee  ccooaallss  m

muusstt  nnoott  bbee  ccrraam


meedd  ttooggeetthheerr  oorr  iinnsseerrtteedd  iinnttoo  tthhee  hhoolleess  iinn  tthhee  m

maattrriixx..    AA  w

weellll  llaaiidd  oouutt,,  ggeenneerr--


ouussllyy  ssppaacceedd  ccooaall  llaayyoouutt  w

wiillll  ggiivvee  tthhee  bbeesstt  rreessuullttss..

The edges or corners of the front row

of coals MUST NOT be allowed to

enter the flame slots in the matrix.  If in

doubt, pull them forward as far as pos-


Fit the glass door assembly by locating

the two lugs at its base in the fire sur-

round. Push the top of the door

towards the fire and secure in position

with the 2 screws provided.




OTTEE::  EEvvaalluuaattee  tthhee  ffllaam

mee  ppiiccttuurree  w

wiitthh  tthhee  ggllaassss  ddoooorr  iinn  ppllaaccee,,  ppaayyiinngg  ppaarrttiiccuullaarr  aatttteennttiioonn  ttoo  aannyy



meess  tthhaatt  ppllaayy  oonnttoo  tthhee  ffiirreebbooxx  ssiiddeess  oorr  ffoorrw

waarrddss  ttoow

waarrdd  tthhee  ggllaassss  ddoooorr..  IIff  tthhiiss  iiss  tthhee  ccaassee,,  ttuurrnn  tthhee  ccoonnttrrooll


knnoobb  ttoo  tthhee  O

OFFFF  ppoossiittiioonn  aanndd  aalllloow

w  tthhee  ffiirree  ttoo  ccooooll..  RReem

moovvee  tthhee  ggllaassss  ddoooorr,,  aanndd  aaddjjuusstt  tthhee  ccooaallss  aaccccoorrddiinnggllyy..


Thhiiss  w

wiillll  rreedduuccee  tthhee  ppoossssiibbiilliittyy  ooff  hheeaatt  ddiissccoolloouurraattiioonn..  BBee  ccaarreeffuull  nnoott  ttoo  hhaannddllee  tthhee  ccooaallss  w

wiitthh  bbaarree  hhaannddss  aass


thheeyy  qquuiicckkllyy  aabbssoorrbb  hheeaatt..  IItt  iiss  aallw

waayyss  bbeesstt  ttoo  ssppeenndd  aa  lliittttllee  eexxttrraa  ttiim

mee  aatt  tthhiiss  ppooiinntt  ttoo  ggeett  tthhee  ffllaam

mee  ppiiccttuurree  rriigghhtt


thhaann  ttoo  hhaavvee  qquueerriieess  ffrroom

m  aa  ccuussttoom

meerr  aatt  aa  llaatteerr  ddaattee..  TThhee  m

maaiinn  ffaaccttoorr  aaffffeeccttiinngg  ffllaam

mee  ppiiccttuurree  aanndd  bbaallaannccee  iiss


cooaall  llaayyoouutt..

The fire is designed to operate correctly with the coals supplied when assembled according to the instruc-

tions.  Never add to the fourteen coals or change them for a different type.  Never put combustible or non-

combustible materials, rubbish or other matter into the fire. Please note that it takes approximately 15 minutes

for the full flame effect to be achieved.




Содержание Centrurion 30

Страница 1: ......

Страница 2: ...ntilation is required for this appliance an openable window or louvre is also required This appliance is factory set for operation on the gas type and at the pressure stated on the appliance data plat...

Страница 3: ...f ficiently ventilated space Consult ALL instructions before installation and use of this appliance This appliance is free from any asbestos material Refractories and coal bed are constructed from cer...

Страница 4: ...purpose made opening in the inner leaf of a cavity wall or a disused conventional fireplace opening Bridging the cavity may cause unwanted moisture to track to the inside of the house from the cavity...

Страница 5: ...sed with this appliance must be adequately sealed to the wall and floor to prevent excess draughts from around the back of the fire The temperature rating of any surround used must be 150 C A combusti...

Страница 6: ...E E I IN NS ST TA AL LL LA AT TI IO ON N N No ot te e E En ns su ur re e t th ha at t t th he e g ga as s s su up pp pl ly y i is s i is so ol la at te ed d b be ef fo or re e c co om mm me en nc ci i...

Страница 7: ...n c co om mb bu us st ti ib bl le e i in ns si id de e w wa al ll l T Th hi is s m me et th ho od d r re eq qu ui ir re es s n no o m mo od di if fi ic ca at ti io on ns s t to o t th he e i in nt te...

Страница 8: ...a qualified professional or local building control officer is essential to confirm this Mark out the area of the proposed fireplace opening on the wall Obtain a suitable concrete or steel lintel from...

Страница 9: ...rames of the inner leaf and the appliance posi tioned accordingly Wires and pipes that run within the wall must also be taken into account I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on n a as s p pe er r m me et...

Страница 10: ...s possible without excessive heat loss es when the fire is off G GA AS S S SU UP PP PL LY Y When the opening is ready for installation of the fire the gas supply can be routed via knockout holes exam...

Страница 11: ...ab bl le e M MU US ST T N NO OT T b be e c cu ut t o of ff f a as s t th hi is s w wi il ll l p pr re ev ve en nt t p pr ro op pe er r i in ns st ta al ll la at ti io on n a af ft te er r s se er rv v...

Страница 12: ...h he e f fi ir re eb bo ox x s si id de es s o or r f fo or rw wa ar rd ds s t to ow wa ar rd d t th he e g gl la as ss s d do oo or r I If f t th hi is s i is s t th he e c ca as se e t tu ur rn n t...

Страница 13: reaching the stop press down and hold for 5 seconds only pilot gas is flowing Continue pressing down the knob while turning further to the left to activate the piezo spark continue to hold the knob...

Страница 14: ...onnect the manometer and refit the test nipple screw Light the fire and check for gas soundness B BR RI IE EF FI IN NG G T TH HE E C CU US ST TO OM ME ER R All instructions must be handed to the user...

Страница 15: ...and clean with a soft brush Clean the exterior of the pilot assembly with a soft brush and blow through the flame ports on the pilot head Check the aeration holes are free from lint or dirt The pilot...

Страница 16: ...e er ra at tu ur re e m ma ay y d da am ma ag ge e s so om me e t ty yp pe es s o of f g ga as s a an na al ly ys se er rs s I If f i in n d do ou ub bt t c co on ns su ul lt t t th he e e eq qu ui ip...

Страница 17: ...e the output of the fire down to pilot as the room temperature falls the main burner will relight Ensure room sizing and ventilation are adequate See Section 3 1 and 4 1 Loose or faulty thermocouple r...

Страница 18: during use It is recommended that a suitable fireguard conform ing to BS 6778 or BS 6539 is used especially where young children pets the elderly or infirm are concerned The manufacturer of this...

Страница 19: ...ediate vicinity of the appliance must not be used as it may adversely effect performance of the combus tion monitoring system ODS system The requirements of other appliances operating in the space or...

Страница 20: the appliance OFF call in your installer to check the appliance and ventilation Remedial work must be carried out as required DO NOT allow the appliance to be used until the appliance and installat...

Страница 21: ...ustion matrix FB004030 0 Ceramic side cheeks FB004050 0 Ceramic brick panel FB004225 5 Glass door assembly FT004135 5 Convector Hood FT003710 5 Pilot assembly FT003835 5 Burner tray Please enquire Gas...
