【 5.5 】 Real-time Curve
【 Instructions 】
When the main interface 【 FN 】 is red, press the right button
to switch the
interface with/without curve
【 Parameter Description 】
Turn on the output curve: turn on the following display curve of the output
signal (Red line)
Automatic output scaling: automatically adjust the scale range of the output
signal, and automatically adjust the scale range of the y-axis with the maximum
and minimum values of the curve
Input automatic scaling: automatically adjust the scale range of the input signal,
and automatically adjust the scale range of the y-axis according to the maximum
and minimum values of the curve.
Acquisition time: the refresh interval of the curve, and the time scale will also
change with it
【 5.6 】 History Record
【 Enable/Close Recording 】
: When the main interface【 FN 】 is red, press 【 ON/OFF 】
to enable/disable recording.When turned on, the top of the screen will flash to
display the record number
【 View Record 】
: Select the record you want to view in the setting interface history
record,【 ON/OFF 】 confirm to enter the view.When entering the viewing record, the
backlight of the up, down, left, and right keys will turn yellow, and the functions of
the up, down, left, and right keys will also change; that is, up and down is to view
the 100 record values before and after the forward, and left and right is to view the
1 record value of the forward and backward
【 Delete Record 】
: When viewing the record, press 【 ON/OFF 】 to choose whether to
delete this record
【 5.7 】 Output Time
【 Output Activation Output Time 】
: When checked, each output will automatically
turn off the output after the output time expires
【 Output Time 】
: Set output time
【 5.8 】 Communication
【 USB connection 】
:Because the USB analog serial port is used for communica-
tion.Note that charging will slow down after checking the USB connection
【 Slave address 】
: MODBUS slave address.(Please refer to the attached table 1, 2, 3
on page 14 for the address and description of the instrument register)