Operation Manual EMGZ 309.EIP
Operating the EMGZ309 via the operating panel
The EMGZ309 amplifier can go in 5 different states:
Operation State:
Amplifier operating
Display Selection:
Selection of force or output reading
Offset Compensation:
Automatic procedure to offset the roller weight
Calibration State:
Procedure to calculate the amplifier gain
Parameterisation State: Set or change parameters
When using the front panel, the user can toggle between these modes by pressing
a key or a combination of keys. Fig. 16 provides an overview about the different
Operation States and how to move from one state to the other.
Fig. 16: Top-level view of operation control
The display shows the unit of measure that was
previously selected.
Display Value Selection State
The EMGZ309 can display either a tension value or the amplifier output that is an
electrical unit corresponding to the measured tension.
A) For tension display following unit can be selected: N, kN, lb, g, kg