Operation Manual EMGZ 309.EIP
Press the two keys >0< and PARA at the same time for longer then 3 seconds.
The display will show [Offset Complete] when the process is finished (see Fig. 6
State diagram offset compensation).
Fig. 6: State diagram offset compensation
By calibrating (setting the Gain), amplifier and
load cells are adjust so that the display gives
the actual tension value. There are two
methods of calibrating the system. The first
method uses a defined weight (see Fig. 7). This
method is the preferred one since it delivers the
most accurate results. The second method is
based on a calculation method in conjunction
with the FMS Calculator. This Calculator can be
down loaded from the FMS web page. Please
consult the factory for this option.
If the Device Mode is set to [VoltGaug], the force corresponding to the calibration
weight must be input in Volt (V) in the following calibration procedure. The
parameters System Force [SysForce] and Force at maximum output [F@OutMax]
won’t be requested (see also chapter 9.3, section B).
Fig. 7: Calibrating the
measuring amplifierC431011e