Operating manual EMGZ307
Installation and Wiring
Proper function of the Tension Measuring Amplifier is only guaranteed with the
recommended application of the components. In case of other arrangement, heavy
malfunction can be the result. Therefore, the installation instructions on the following
pages must be followed strictly.
Local installation regulations are to preserve safety of electric equipment. They are not
taken into consideration by this operating manual. However, they have to be followed
Mounting and Wiring of the Electronic Unit
The aluminium housing of the measuring amplifier may be mounted to any place in
the machine, but usefully a position close to the force sensors is chosen. Wiring to the
terminals is done according to wiring diagram (fig. 4).
Mounting the Force Sensors
Mounting of the force sensors is done referring to the FMS Installation manual which
is delivered together with the force sensors.
Wiring to the terminals of the electronic unit is done according to wiring diagram (fig.
Connecting the shield of the signal cable to the electronic unit
to the force sensor
may cause ground circuits which may interfere the measuring signal massively.
Malfunction can be the result. The shield should be connected only to the electronic
unit. On the „force sensor side“, the shield should stay open.