Doc. No.: OMS500000104
Rev: A Page 32 of 42
Subject to contractual terms and conditions to the contrary, this document and all the information contained herein are the confidential and exclusive
property of FMC Technologies, and may not be reproduced, disclosed, or made public in any manner prior to express written authorization by FMC.
22. Replace the rod bearings (13) in the connecting rod caps. Insure that rod caps are
assembled with their mating connecting rod. Torque the cap screws holding the end caps
to the mating rod per the values given in the Fastener Torque Requirements section of
this manual. After the cap screws are torqued, striking the cap with a rubber hammer will
help properly seat the rod bearings.
23. A dial indicator must be used to properly adjust the endplay of the crankshaft (2).
Improper adjustment may result in excessive temperature, noise, and reduced bearing
life. FMC recommends between .002”-.005” of internal axial clearance (end play) when
properly assembled. The final adjustment must be verified using a dial indicator.
24. Turn the crankshaft (2) more than two revolutions to insure the connecting rods are
loose, there is no binding in the rod bearings, the wrist pin joints are free and the
crossheads move freely in the power frame (1).
25. Mount indicator base on back of power frame (1) with the indicator tip on a shoulder of
the crankshaft (2) and the axis of the indicator parallel to the crankshaft (2).
26. Move the crankshaft (2) to one side of the power frame (1) using a light tap from a rubber
mallet, a pry bar or with a jackscrew in the threaded hole in the blind bearing housing (7).
27. Set the dial indicator to zero.
28. Move the crankshaft (2) back over to the opposite side and read bearing endplay as total
indicator movement. Remove or add shims as necessary to achieve proper endplay
(.002” to .005”). Distribute shims equally on both bearing housings (7 & 8). Verify the
endplay with the dial indicator per the procedure described before final assembly.
29. Install the oil seal (27) into the bearing housing (8). The oil seal (27) can be installed
with light hammer blows. When properly seated it will be flush with the face of the
bearing housing (8).
30. Install the plunger rod seal housing (16) in the power frame (1). The crankshaft should
turn freely.
31. Complete reassembly of pump. Torque all fasteners as outlined in the Fastener Torque
Requirements section of this manual.