Doc. No.: OMS500000104
Rev: A Page 29 of 42
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Figure 9: Crank Shaft Bearing Removal
10. To remove the crankshaft (2) work it through one side of the bearing housing opening in
power frame (1) to remove. Tool P517959 (A) is extremely useful for this purpose, as
the typical crankshaft weighs nearly 600 pounds. The throws may have to be rotated as
the crank is removed to clear the connecting rods. The crankshaft should be handled very
carefully to prevent the critical bearing surfaces from being scratched or damaged.
11. Bearings cones (12) can be removed from the crankshaft (2) using an automotive type
bearing puller. Bearing cups (11) can be removed from the bearing housing using a
puller if a sufficient lip is available for the puller arms to grab. An alternate procedure
involves running a weld bead around the inside surface of the cup. When cool, this will
reduce the interference between the cup and bearing housing enough to free the cup.
Always replace with new bearing cups and cones.