Exemplary Installation
Air Purging
6 Exemplary Installation
In the following exemplary installation, you can see infrared thermometers inside a high temperature environment.
The ThermoJacket requires water and/or air cooling and air purging to protect the sensor inside ovens or other
variable, cycling, or periodic high temperature environments. Additional components may also be needed to
regulate the temperature of the ThermoJacket, itself. There are many ways to install the ThermoJacket into such
an environment. The description below demonstrates one ThermoJacket installation in an oven environment.
Although multiple ThermoJackets can be installed in series, the water return from each unit is kept separate
to avoid using heated water as a coolant for the next sensor!
6.1 Air Purging
Air is first sent through the air-pressure regulator (which may include a filter); an additional dryer or filter may be
required depending on the cleanliness of the air. The air is then sent to the air flow regulator to control air flow to
the ThermoJacket. Adjust air pressure and air flow to the proper settings to avoid turbulence or vortex effects.
6.2 Water Cooling
Water is first sent through a softener and filter to remove contaminants that may eventually clog the ThermoJacket
coolant tubing. In the simplest installation, the water is directed through a water flow regulator to regulate the flow
rate to insure proper cooling.
The water pressure may need to be regulated to prevent damage to other flow regulating components!
6.3 Additional Components
In an environment with periodic changes, such as an oven, it’s important to manage the temperature of the
ThermoJacket. If water flow and oven heaters are shut off at the same time, the residual oven heat may quickly
destroy the instrument. If water flow is not shut off, over-cooling may develop, resulting in condensation that may
damage the sensor. In the following figure an additional thermocouple, monitoring the air temperature of the oven,
is used as a sensor in conjunction with other components to control water flow.