Users Manual, Rev. 1.1, Jan 2019
5 Maintenance
5.1 Changing Sensing Heads
For routine sensing head change-overs, follow the steps outlined in section 3.2
5.2 Cleaning the Lens
Keep the lens always clean. Any foreign matter on the window will affect measurement accuracy. However, care
should be taken when cleaning the window. Please follow the cleaning instructions given in the manual of the
sensing head. Incorrect temperature measurement readings can result from unclean lenses.
5.3 Cleaning the Air Purge
The air purge sleeve requires cleaning only if water and/or oily build-up appear on the air purge sleeve or within
the sighting tube. Follow these steps to access the air purge sleeve:
1. Remove the adjustable mounting flange (or sighting tube mounting flange) from the ThermoJacket face.
2. Unscrew the black air purge sleeve.
3. Degrease the sleeve and sighting tube to remove any oily build up.
4. Re-install to the ThermoJacket.
Always replace the air pressure regulator filter with a clean filter when cleaning the air purge sleeve!