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Terminal 8 - 9; External control - Start
With this function, the batch controller can be STARTED remotely. The input must be switched with
a potential free contact to the GND-terminal number 8 for at least 100msec.
Figure 19: Terminal connections - External start (typical)
Terminal 8-10; External control - Hold
With this function, the batch process can be interrupted and brought to HOLD status. The input must
be switched with a potential free contact to the GND-terminal number 8 for at least 100msec.
Figure 20: Terminal connections - External hold (typical)
Terminal 8-11; External control - Reset Batch
With this function, the batch process in HOLD status can be cleared remotely with this RESET
function. The input must be switched with a potential free contact to the GND-terminal number 8 for
at least 100msec.
Terminal 11 can also be used to block the batch process: as long as this input is switched to
Terminal 8, it is not possible to start a batch (the START button on the keyboard is blocked as well).
Figure 21: Terminal connections - External reset (typical)