If additional chlorine is required due to heavy bather loads, use chlorine to
maintain an appropriate chlorine residual in the w at e r. Do not add directly to
skimmer as this may damage the cell.
-Maintaining high salt and chlorine levels above recommended range
contributes to accelerated corrosion of pool and s p a equipment
NOTE: For outdoor pools, chlorine residuals can be protected from
destruction by sunlight by addition of stabilizer (cyanuric acid).
-Heavy pool (or spa) usage, and higher temperatures may require higher
chlorine output to maintain proper free available chlorine residuals.
Check the expiry date of the test kit as test results may be inaccurate
if used after that d a t e.
The life expectancy of the electrolytic cell is 15 000 h o u r s
under normal use conditions.
-Operating the VX7T Salt Chlorine Generator without water flow through
the cell can cause a build-up of flammable gas which can result in