Calibration Procedure:
1. Apply 0% input signal (0% = 20 kPa, 3 psi, or 4 mA).
2. Wait for steady state. It is important to wait for steady state. On very large actuators, it can take minutes to
3. Loosen locking screw
about 1 turn, if it is looser, you risk introducing unwanted movement.
4. Adjust “ZERO” position using thumbwheel
5. Apply 100% input signal (100% = 100 kPa, 15 psi, or 20 mA).
6. Wait for steady state.
7. With a screw drive, adjust the “SPAN” setting by turning screw
while doing so, keep the zero screw
position by applying pressure with your thumb.
8. Lock the calibration mechanism in place by tightening locking screw
9. Apply 0% signal and verify zero position.
Cam Installation:
Introduction: T
he standard cam (labeled “K1” features linear, 90 degree operation for full 3-15 psi input, 3-9 and 9-15 psi
split ranges, and 3-15 psi 180 degree operation. The factory setting is 3-15 psi, 90 degrees, with “D: (direct) side up for full
clockwise position at 3 psi for 90 degree operation.
Be sure supply air pressure is removed and no pressure exists in the actuator before adjusting cam