FLIR Camera Adjustments
June 2014
Page 18 of 28
0% (disabled)
(b) SSO =
8bit Histogram of SSO =
0% (disabled)
(d) 8bit Histogram of SSO =
Figure 20:
Illustration of Smart Scene Optimization (SSO)
Tail Rejection. The tail rejection
parameter defines the percentage of the total number of pixels in the
array that will be excluded prior to histogram equalization. The user-selected percentage of pixels will be
removed from both the bottom and top of the 14-bit histogram prior to AGC. This feature is useful for
excluding outliers and the most extreme portions of the scene that may be of less interest. FLIR
recommends tail rejection settings less than 1% to avoid the exclusion of important scene content.
Region of Interest (ROI). In some situations, it is desirable to have the AGC algorithm ignore a portion
of the scene when collecting the histogram. For example, if the Tau 2 core is rigidly mounted such that
the sky will always appear in the upper portion of the image, it may be desirable to leave that portion of
the scene out of the histogram so that the AGC can better optimize the display of the remainder of the
image. This is illustrated in Figure 21. Similarly for a hand-held application, it may be desirable to
optimize the display of the central portion of the image. For those applications, it is possible to specify a
region of interest (ROI) beyond which data is ignored when collecting the image histogram. Any scene
content located outside of the ROI will therefore not affect the AGC algorithm. (Note: this does not mean
the portion outside of the ROI is not displayed, just that the portion outside does not factor into the
optimization of the image.)