Fläkt Woods
3099 US 03.02
Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
PUMA (A–F) Rotary heat exchanger
Sample Specification
- The casing shall be constructed as a single-skin, self-supporting,
galvanized sheet steel structure and include rotary wheel support beams and a
purging sector. The casing shall be supplied with access panels to facilitate
inspection and service. Size 215 and larger shall be in two sections to facilitate
shipping and handling. The smaller sizes can be delivered in a two-piece special
- The casing shall be equipped with adjustable brush seals which mini-
mize carryover to max. 0.05 - 0.2 %.
- On one-piece rotor: Aluminum. On Sectorized rotor:
Hub made of steel, painted with anti-corrosion paint, galvanized sheet steel
- The wheel shall be belt-driven along its perimeter. A constant speed
or variable speed, fractional hp drive motor shall be used. The motor shall be
mounted on a self-adjusting base to provide correct belt tension. The variable-
speed motor shall be specially manufactured for rotary heat exchangers and
provide constant torque throughout the speed range. Moreover it shall include
a slow-start feature and automatically index the wheel to keep it clean while
the AHU is down or energy recovery isn't required. The drive unit shall be
available with a differential thermostat for summer/winter changeover, a speed
detector with alarm function and an interface for a central energy management
control system and be able to accept all common control signals.
For a quotation of your project please contact MUNTERS INTERNATIONAL
Inc. with the following information:
• Supply air flow rate
• Outside air temperature
db ºF
summer and winter conditions
• Outside air temperature
wb ºF summer and winter conditions
• Return air flow rate
• Return air temperature
db ºF
summer and winter conditions
• Return air temperature
wb ºF summer and winter conditions
• Expected efficiency
• Size limitations
• Environmental conditions (corrosion concerns)
• Fixed or variable speed drive system
• Maximum pressure drop through the heat exchanger
inches WG