Fläkt Woods
3099 US 03.02
Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
PUMA (A–F) Rotary heat exchanger
Selection of heat exchanger type and size
Selection of heat exchanger
No moisture transfer required
1.Systems intended for:
comfort air handling
exhaust air with solvents or
exhaust air with dry, granular dust.
Select the ECONOVENT with A rotor or possibly C
2.Systems with risk of corrosion and intended for:
comfort air handling
exhaust air with corrosive solvents
exhaust air with corrosive dust.
Select the ECONOVENT with E rotor.
Moisture transfer required.
3.Systems with humidification or dehumidification of
the supply air and intended for:
comfort air handling,
light industry inland.
Select the ECONOVENT with B rotor or possibly D rotor.
4. Systems with humidification or dehumidification of
the supply air and intended for:
comfort air handling
heavy industry in a coastal environment or
corrosive urban environment.
Select the ECONOVENT with D rotor or possibly F rotor.
5. Systems with high risk of corrosion and intended for:
comfort air handling
heavy industry in a coastal environment or
corrosive urban environment
Select the ECONOVENT with F rotor
For a non-hygroscopic rotor (A, C and E rotor):
The temperature efficiency can be obtained from the de-
sign chart on page 16. At maximum speed and for equal
supply and exhaust air flow
tt =
The procedure for calculating the temperature efficiency
at different air flow rates is given in the design chart on
page 16. If the rotor size and the supply and exhaust air
flows are given, the temperature efficiency is independent
of the conditions of the supply and exhaust air.
A non-hygroscopic rotor recovers only heat as long as
condensation does not occur in the rotor. There is no
generally applicable formula for calculating the moisture
content of the supply air downstream of the rotor when
condensation takes place. If the rotor speed is reduced,
the supply and exhaust air temperature efficiencies will
decrease. This phenomenon is used for controlling the
supply air temperature downstream of the heat exchanger.
The temperature efficiency is the same for all rotor
types at a given face velocity.
Definitions, see page 15