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Congratulations on the purchase of your
Fitera Exercise Bike
Please study these instructions carefully before use, paying special
attention to the following guidelines.
For your safety and the safety of others
the following safeguards are very important. Failure to read
and follow these instructions may lead to serious injury.
We always recommend that you talk to your Doctor before embarking
on any new exercise regime if you have had any recent surgery, are
pregnant, if you have an injury or if you have concerns about your health
or levels of fitness that you think additional exercise may aggravate.
Always discontinue exercising if you experience dizziness or shortness of
breath. Talk your Doctor before resuming exercising if you experienced
nausea, pain or other acute abnormal symptoms, or are simply concerned
about continuing.
FITERA BIKE IM - Final 0917.indd 2
27/09/2017 16:09:25