P/N 562179
REV. C Dec 2011
© 2011 Fisnar
Setting the Decimal Point
The decimal point is normally set at a default place between the second and third digits on the display. This can be
changed to allow for a longer or shorter dispense time. To change the decimal place position press the
button then
◄ button
4 times. This will make the decimal point blink. When the decimal point is blinking you can then press the
▼ buttons to
adjust its position.
Auto-Purge Function
The Auto-Purge function is used when a material is being dispensed that may cure in the dispensing needle if left sitting
for long periods of time. Before auto purging your material be sure to read over the material MSDS for any precautions
that may need to be taken. Also be sure that you have a proper storage container for the purged material.
In order to setup auto purge on the SL101N dispenser, the user must configure both the time it needs to dispense
(dispense time) and the time it pauses before dispensing again (wait time). The total time will be the time it takes the
dispenser to do the whole routine (cycle time).
Cycle time = Dispense time + Wait time
For example, let’s say you wanted to auto purge one second worth of material every five seconds for a total time of six
seconds. What you need to do is the following:
Set the Dispense time to 1 second.
Set the Wait time to 5 seconds.