Instruction Manual
EZ Valve
November 2017
adaptor (key 24, figure 11). Tighten to the torque valve given in figure 10.
Valve plugs may not be pre‐drilled. Follow the procedure in the following step.
10) and drill through the adaptor using the hole in the valve plug as a guide. Remove any chips or burrs and drive in
a new pin (key 8) to lock the assembly.
With some valve plug sizes and configurations, the valve plug or tip will slide through the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly,
and in other configurations it will not.
assembly (keys 3 and 26), proceed as follows:
bushing rests on the shoulder of the valve plug or valve plug guide.
b. Place the spiral wound gasket, shim, and bonnet gasket (keys 12, 25, and 10) on the shoulder of the seat ring
c. Place a wrench on the flat areas of the stem just below the threads for the actuator/stem connection to keep the
stem from turning.
retainer and bushing assembly and gaskets, onto the stem/bellows assembly (key 20, figure 11). Tighten the
adaptor until it is snug. Then, turn the adaptor until the valve stem hole lines up with the next adaptor pin hole.
Drive in a new pin (key 36) to lock the assembly.
e. Install the seat ring gasket (key 13), and replace the seat ring (key 9).
f. Install the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly, which also contains the valve plug/adaptor assembly or valve
plug guide/adaptor assembly, on the top of the seat ring, ensuring that the seat ring retainer slips onto the seat
ring properly. Any rotation orientation of the seat ring retainer with respect to the valve body is acceptable.
g. Place a new gasket (key 22, figure 11) over the stem and bellows assembly.
assembly (keys 3 and 26), proceed as follows:
a. Place a wrench on the flat areas of the stem just below the threads for the actuator/stem connection to keep the
stem from turning.
stem/bellows assembly (key 20, figure 11). Tighten the adaptor until it is snug. Then, turn the adaptor until the
valve stem hole lines up with the next adaptor pin hole. Drive in a new pin (key 36) to lock the assembly.
c. Install the seat ring gasket (key 13), and replace the seat ring (key 9).