Instruction Manual
EZ Valve
November 2017
used], out of the valve body and set it on a protective surface.
With some valve plug sizes and configurations, the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly (keys 3 and 26, figures 12 and 13) will
come out of the valve body with the valve plug and stem assembly, and in other valve plug sizes and configurations, the valve plug
or tip will slide through the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly, leaving the retainer and bushing assembly in the valve body.
2. With the valve plug and stem assembly out of the valve, either slide the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly
(keys 3 and 26), and gaskets and shim (keys 10, 12, and 25) up over the valve plug and stem or lift the seat ring
retainer and bushing assembly and associated gaskets and shim out of the valve body. If the valve plug is to be
reused, protect the valve plug seating surface to prevent scratches.
For valves with metal seats,
drive out the pin (key 8) and unscrew the valve stem (key 7) from the valve plug (key 2).
For valves with 0.25 and 0.375‐inch ports and composition seats,
refer to figure 13. Drive out the pin (key 8) and
unscrew the valve stem (key 7) from the valve plug guide (key 27). Unscrew the disk retainer (key 28) from the valve
plug guide. Remove the disk (key 29) from the valve plug tip (key 30).
For valves with 0.5 through 2‐inch ports and composition seats,
refer to figure 13. Drive out the pin (key 8) and
unscrew the valve stem (key 7) from the valve plug guide (key 27). Drive out pin (key 31) and unscrew the tip (key 30)
from the valve plug guide. Remove the disk (key 29) from the valve plug guide.
For valves with 3 and 4‐inch ports and composition seats,
refer to figure 13. Drive out the pin (key 8) and unscrew the
valve stem from the valve plug guide (key 27). Remove the cap screw (key 32) to remove the tip (key 30) from the
valve plug guide. Remove the disk (key 29).
5. Remove the seat ring and seat ring gasket (keys 9 and 13).
6. Inspect parts for wear or damage that would prevent proper operation of the valve. Replace or repair trim parts
according to the following Lapping Metal Seats or Assembly procedure as appropriate.
Valves with Overtravel (EZ-OVT) Trim
Perform the following steps to remove the valve trim.
1. Lift the bonnet flat sheet gasket, gasket shim, and spiral wound gasket (keys 10, 25, and 12) from the valve body.
Discard the old gaskets.
The seat ring retainer and bushing assembly (keys 3 and 26) will come out of the valve body with the valve plug and stem
3. Lift the seat ring (key 9) out of the valve body. There will be a flat sheet gasket located between the seat ring and
valve body shelf (key 13). If the gasket does not come out of the valve body with the seat ring, be sure to remove
the gasket from the valve body. Discard the gasket and tape or otherwise protect the seating surface of the seat
ring to prevent damage.
4. Inspect all parts for wear and damage which would prevent proper operation of the valve. All gasket surfaces on the
trim parts and in the valve body must be cleaned of any graphite residue and must be free from nicks and scratches.