4 Applications
4.1 Introduction
This section describes the use of specific rotors and
accessories. More detailed information is shipped with the
rotor or accessory itself. This section contains five
reference sections:
Speed and Force Tables
Derating Table for Dense Samples
Chemical Resistance Table
Decontamination Table
exceed maximum rated speed for each
rotor/accessory combination. Maximum rated speeds can
be found in Section 4.2 -
Speed And Force Tables
Relative Centrifugal Force
(RCF or G-force) at a given
speed varies with the rotor, and with the distance away
(rotating radius) from the shaft of the centrifuge (center of
rotation). The rotating radius is measured to the furthest
tip of the tube, away from the centrifuge shaft. The
Speed and Force Tables indicate the maximum speed and
RCF that the 3000/3000R can achieve, with various
rotor/accessory combinations. The Derating Table
specifies reductions in maximum RPM, when spinning
samples with specific gravity above 1.2.
MARATHON Series Operation Manual
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