Error Codes
An error code typically means that the internal microprocessor has
detected impermissible readings, or a failure, elsewhere, in the unit. Error messages
appear in the speed display. When an error code is displayed, unplug and reconnect the
unit to power. If the error code reappears, factory-authorized maintenance may be
required. Contact your local Fisher representative and tell the service personnel which
message appeared, when you report the problem.
Error Code Description
Err 1
No Tachometer
Tachometer signals were not present during the run. The rotor coasts to
a stop. Cover opening is inhibited, after this error. Unplug and
reconnect the unit to power to reset this error.
Err 14
Incorrect Rotor Signature
The rotor signature detected does not correspond with the database of
Speed is 200 RPM above the maximum speed for the installed rotor.
The rotor will brake to a stop.
Refrigeration Failure (Refrigerated only)
The unit displays this code, if the measured temperature exceeds 45
at any time during the run.
No Refrigeration Temp. Sensor (Refrigerated only
The unit displays this code, if the microprocessor is not detecting a
temperature measurement from the temperature sensor.
Fail-safe Time out
Independent circuitry, on the circuit board, has sensed a lack of activity,
from the control microprocessor. All power circuits (including motor,
latch, solenoid, etc.) are disabled.
Cop Watchdog/OpCode Trap Error
The microprocessor has sensed a lack of activity, from the program that
controls the centrifuge. The rotor will coast to a stop.
COP Watchdog Not Enabled
The microprocessor COP is not enabled. The rotor will coast to a stop.
Undefined Interrupt
The microprocessor was interrupted by an undefined source. The rotor
will coast to a stop.
Op-Code Trap Error
The rotor will coast to a stop
Wrong Direction of Rotation
The microprocessor detected wrong direction of rotation, during
Warnings during a spin:
LId, PFAIL, and dIR
error messages can occur
during a spin. In this case, the rotor brakes or coasts to a stop, and the run ends.
MARATHON Series Operation Manual
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