Products that might damage your washer
Concentrated bleaches, laundry pre-soakers/sanitisers, stain removers and hydrocarbon
solvents (eg petrol and paint thinners) can cause damage to the surfaces eg control
panel, and components of your washer.
Be careful when washing garments stained with solvents as they are flammable. DO NOT
put them in your dryer.
Use of dyes in your washer may cause staining of the plastic components. The dye will
not damage the washer but we suggest you thoroughly clean your washer afterwards.
We do not recommend the use of dye strippers in your washer.
Nappy sanitisers and bleach are very corrosive to metal surfaces. DO NOT tip the
contents of a nappy bucket into your washer. Rinse and wring items out thoroughly
before placing them in the washer.
Moving your washer
Make sure any water in the washer is drained out. This can be done by cleaning out the
pump filter, refer to ‘Cleaning the pump filter’.
If you have the transit rods and you need to move your washer, replace them before
moving. This will protect the internal components of your washing machine from damage.
To replace the transit bolts, pull out the white plastic covers in the back of the washer. Refer
to your installation guide. Push the transit bolt rubber grommets and plastic spacers into
the hole and tighten with the spanner provided with the product.
Saving water, energy and the environment
Water-efficient washing machines will save you money, but it is also worth thinking about
energy use, recycling water and the environment. Some options to consider include
the following:
Turn the washer off at the wall when not in use.
Turn off the taps when not in use.
Select cooler wash temperatures.
Wash full loads rather than several smaller loads.
Use the
wash option/functions (where available).
Follow instructions on the detergent packet or bottle – do not overdose.
Use concentrated detergent – it costs less per wash.
Consider re-using the washing machines grey water on the garden or for flushing your
toilet – more information can be found on government websites promoting energy
and water saving.