Diagnostic mode 1: Wash Cycle Position of Last User Warning Number
The Wash Cycle position of the last user warning is primarily displayed on the wash progress indicator.
E.g. Wash, Rinse or Spin.
In addition to this, the exact stage of the wash where the warning occurred is displayed via the Wash Cycle
LEDs. The 8 Wash Cycle LEDs correspond to the 8 stages of a Wash Cycle. Initially, all 8 Wash Cycle LEDs
are illuminated and turn off from left to right as each wash stage is completed.
Diagnostic mode 3: Fault Code of Last Fault (if within the last 8 Wash Cycles)
Also, sometimes referred to as the detailed fault code. The fault data can be displayed via the Wash Cycle
LEDs in binary* form (fault codes are contained in the last section of this manual). If no LEDs are lit the fault
code has not occurred in the last 8 cycles.
Diagnostic mode 5: Cycle count since last fault (low byte)
Diagnostic mode 6: Cycle count since last fault (high byte)
The number of Wash Cycles since the last fault is displayed on the Wash Cycle LEDs. The low byte refers to
binary* numbers from 1 through to 128. The high byte refers to numbers from 256 though to 32768. Always
check both the low and high bytes, and then add the two together to get the final result. NB. Even though the
last fault gets wiped from diagnostic level 3 after 8 cycles, the cycle number when the last fault occurs is
permanently stored in the memory.
Diagnostic mode 7: Wash Cycle Position of Last Fault
The Wash Cycle position of the last fault is primarily displayed on the wash progress indicator.
E.g. Wash, Rinse or Spin.
In addition to this, the exact stage of the wash where the fault occurred is displayed via the Wash Cycle
LEDs. The 8 Wash Cycle LEDs correspond to the 8 stages of a Wash Cycle. Initially, all 8 Wash Cycle LEDs
are illuminated and turn off from left to right as each wash stage is completed.
Diagnostic mode 8: Water Temperature (deg C)
The Wash Temperature (of the thermistor in
C) is displayed on the Wash Cycle LEDs in binary* form. See
Section 15.1 for the binary* conversion chart.
Diagnostic mode 9: Cycle Count (low byte)
Diagnostic mode 10: Cycle Count (high byte)
The number of Wash Cycles is displayed on the Wash Cycle LEDs in binary* form. The low byte refers to
binary* numbers from 1 through to 128. The high byte refers to numbers from 256 though to 32768. Always
check both the low and high bytes, and then add the two together to get the final result.
Note: The wash cycle count is incremented at the end of the spin cycle.
Diagnostic mode 11: Motor Speed (RPM)
The motor speed is displayed on the Wash Cycle LEDs in binary* form. The current speed (RPM) can be
calculated by totalling the binary* value of the Wash Cycle LEDs and multiplying this figure by 10.
Diagnostic mode 12: Water Level
The water level is displayed on the Wash Cycle LEDs in binary* form and can be calculated by totaling the
binary* value of the Wash Cycle LEDs and multiplying this figure by 2.
Diagnostic mode 14: Motor Control Software Version
The motor control software version is displayed on the Wash Cycle LEDs in binary* form and can be
calculated by totalling the binary* value of the Wash Cycle LEDs.
Diagnostic mode 15: Display Software Version
The display software version is displayed on the Wash Cycle LEDs in binary* form and can be calculated by
totalling the binary* value of the Wash Cycle LEDs.
Binary: To calculate a result displayed in binary form, (see Section 8)