Citizen gas 6 and 9
Chapters 4 and 5
contain all the information necessary for installing the
oven. This is mainly addressed to specialised personnel, but should also be
read in advance by the end user, for the preparation of the space and
services necessary for operating the oven.
Chapters 6 and 7
serve as reference whenever the already expert oven
operator, needs to clarify certain specific aspects of its operation .
It is not advisable to use these chapters when learning to use the
machine from scratch
Chapter 8 is dedicated to users having to learn to use the oven from
. It guides the user through all indispensable operations regarding
switching on, operating and switching off the oven in conditions of complete
safety. To take advantage of all the possibilities the oven offers, the user
should then refer to chapters 6 and 7.
Chapter 9
provides all the information necessary for cleaning the oven,
meaning all the operations which should be performed by the operator in
order to guarantee that the oven continues to operate in completely safe
conditions (above all in terms of hygiene) and in any case to obtain the best
results from it.
Chapter 10
gives all necessary information for periodic and special
maintenance, including the repair and replace of parts of the oven. This same
chapter also contains exploded views of the oven and a complete list of its
component parts, to facilitate ordering and replacing any damaged parts.
These maintenance operations must be performed by qualified
maintenance personnel.