Doc.-No.: 01/EHTD400
Equipment Handbook
Date: 01.03.2003
Rev. date:
Page: 35 of 40
FIREBIRD, Am Tower 16, 54634 Bitburg
Before using the TD400 (Omega Tandem) it is absolutely necessary to ha-
ve participated in tandem-pilot training according to the minimum requi-
rements and performance limitations specified by the manufacturer. Eve-
ry owner or user of a TD 400 must have read the manual and these trai-
ning instructions before the first use.
The tandem-pilot training must be carried out exclusively through the ma-
nufacturer or his designated agent.
Attention must be paid that, during training as well as in use, the TD400 is
only be used within the operating limits.
Remember: Successfully complete training. Read manual. Use within
With System TD400 (Omega Tandem / Contrail 390).
22. Tandem-Pilot Candidate Training
Doc.-No.: 01/EHTD400
Equipment Handbook
Date: 01.03.2003
Revision: 1
Rev. date: 01.12.05
Page: 35 of 40