4-4. Resistance ( )
Tu rn off p ower and di schar ge al l
capacitors on cir cui t to be tested
b efor e
attem pti ng
i nci rcu it
resistance measurements. Accurate
m easurem ent is no t possi bl e if
exter nal o r r esi du al vol tage i s
Set rot ary selector to
position. The meter defaults at
funct ion.
is dis played in the
primary display.
Insert black lead into COM terminal
and red lead into terminal.
Touch the test lead probes across
the resis tanc e or ci rcuit to be
NOTE: The resistance in the test
leads can affect accuracy in
the 500 r ange. Short the
leads together and press the
REL button to automatically
subtr act th e t est lead
resistance from the measured
4-5. Continuity ( )
Tur n th e pow er OF F on the t est
ci r cui t. A beeper ton e do es not
necessarily mean zero resistance.
1. Set rotary selector to
2. Pr ess menukey 2 to selec t
Continuity function.
is displayed
in the primary display.
3. Insert black lead into COM terminal
and red lead into terminal.
4. Touch the test lead probes across
the device being tested.
If the resistance of the device is below
70 , there is a continuous beep tone.
If the resistance of the device is more
than 70 , there is no beep tone.
This is us ef ul f or c hec ki ng wiri ng
connections and operation of switches.