Traction motor potentiometer symbol (only for BT version).
Used on the control panel to indicate the knob that commands the potentiometer that controls the traction motor.
Main switch position "ON- SOLENOID VALVE" symbol (Only for BB version).
Used on the control panel to indicate the button that commands the activation of the brush motor and the solenoid valve.
Main switch position "OFF" symbol (Only for BB version).
Used on the control panel to indicate the button that commands the deactivation of the brush motor and of the solenoid valve.
Main switch position "ON- NO SOLENOID VALVE" symbol (Only for BB version).
Used on the control panel to indicate the button that commands the activation of the brush motor but not of the solenoid valve.
Symbol for vacuum motor switch “ON - VACUUM” (only for BB version).
Used on the control panel to indicate the button that commands vacuum motor operation.
Symbol for vacuum motor switch “OFF - VACUUM” (only for BB version).
Used on the control panel to indicate the button that commands vacuum motor switch-off.
Brush uncoupling symbol (only for BB version).
Used on the instrument panel to indicate the button for automatic brush uncoupling
Work direction control symbol (Only for B-BB version).
Used on the brush head unit to indicate the knob which allows users to control the work direction of the machine in working
Symbol indicating the maximum temperature of the water used to fill the solution tank