Form No. 06-795, Rev. 0 (02/16)
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5. Select
configuration tab (See Figure 3).
6. Set the Activation State option to “Release”.
7. Set the Relay State option to “Time Delay”. A Timeout (min) field will appear. This field will allow you to set
the “Purge Soak” period accordingly. The time can be set in increments of 5 minutes and has a range of 0 to
80 minutes.
8. In the Activate on Any of these Zones fields, set the relay to activate for Zone 1.
9. Remaining configuration options should be left at default settings.
Figure 3 - Relay Module Configured for “Purge Soak” Period
One of the normally open relay contacts on the relay module must be wired to the feedback input on the module as
shown in Figure 4 below. Upon expiration of the relay’s internal timer, the modules relay contacts will transfer causing
activation of the modules feedback input. This will cause a process input for the module (Loop 1, Address 8) to be
received by the Cheetah Xi. This will indicate that the purge system is ready for operation.
Figure 4 - “Purge Soak” Relay Module Wiring
This wiring configuration must be used for each relay used for purge operation.