E-8100 components
The terms “replace” and “replacing” are used throughout this guide to mean the reinstallation
of existing components. Install new components only when necessary.
The term “Control Panel” refers to the area on the front of the E-8100 including the green/
red activity light, the display window (LCD—liquid crystal display), and the buttons to the
left and right of the display window.
The term “LCD” refers to the display window of the E-8100 Control Panel.
The term “monitor” refers to the E-8100 optional flat panel monitor.
The term “DVD drive” (Digital Versatile Disk drive) refers to the E-8100 DVD drive.
The term “system software” refers to the following software installed on the E-8100 hard disk
drive (HDD):
For other terms used to identify components of the E-8100, see the reference key in
on page 43.
Connectors and components labeled “not used”
Connectors and components labeled “not used” are disabled or are not used in the standard
E-8100 configuration.
Document conventions
References to E-8100 user documentation, such as
Configuration and Setup,
are displayed in
italics. The user documentation files are installed from the User Documentation CD.
The note format highlights important messages and additional information.
The warning icon indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions are not
followed, could result in death or serious injury.
The caution icon indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions are not
followed, may result in minor or moderate injury or damage to equipment.