Fidelix FX-RP multiDISPLAY
Programming manual
page 35 of 38
If you choose to have strings of 20 characters, this means you need 10 registers per 1 register per string
for the string description (=11 registers per string). This means you can have 5 strings per text block (=55
registers), or 40 strings of each 20 characters in total on the display. Of course each string can have its own
length and you can choose to have as many and as long (or short) strings as is needed.
Addressing strings on the slave display is done by using pointID: STRING and writing in the “Text” attribute:
STRING_XXYY (four decimal characters), in which XX is the block number from 00 to 07, and YY is the number
of the string inside that block. "Show point Value" should be selected. In the example above, the string “rules!”
is referenced like this: “STRING_0003”. It is also possible to reference strings by point value. The point name
should be as normal (POINTxx) and you should write "STRING" in the text field. "Show point Value" must be
selected. By then setting the point’s value to 103, you reference block 1 string 3.
The excel tool “multiDISPLAY register value and character cheat sheet.xlsx” which you can find on our partner
download page, can be used to easily find the right values for the characters you need.
Display parameters
The sample IEC-code for use with Info Team’s program “OpenPCS” generated by the converter will handle
some of these special purpose registers in the end of the file “”. Modify that file if you need
more functions to be used in the program you run on your multi-24 module. If the FX-RP multiDISPLAY is
connected directly to an FX controller, these registers should be handled by using Modbus devices.
Reg# Function
R/W Notes
3000 Internal Temperature Measurement in °C R
Multiplied by 10, for example 255 = 25.5°C
3001 Current Day
Current Day (1-31)
3002 Current Month
Current Month (1-12)
3003 Current Year
Current Year (e.g. 2018)
3004 Current Hour
Current Hour (0-23)
3005 Current Minute
Current Minute (0-59)
3006 Tamper Status
0=OK, 1023=Tamper detected (read-only copy of
register 3062)
3007 Time Schedule 1 Status
Possible values from 0..15
3008 Time Schedule 2 Status
Possible values from 0..15
3009 Time Schedule 3 Status
Possible values from 0..15
3010 Time Schedule 4 Status
Possible values from 0..15
3011 Time Schedule 5 Status
Possible values from 0..15
3012 History request
0=No request, 1-250=point number for which
history is requested
Project folder
Last character of the currently active project
folder name. Used to detect which project is
3014 Internal Temperature Measurement °F
Multiplied by 100, so 6883->68.83°F
3015 Internal Temperature Measurement °C
Multiplied by 100, so 2555->25.55°C
3016 Proof of “user action”
R/W Master can write 0 to this register once all
registers have been read. Contains the first
changed point number after “0” reset. Used for
monitoring only one register to see when and if
user has changed anything on the display.
3017 Current day of the week
0=Sat, 1=Sun, 2=Mon, …, 6=Fri
3018 Not in use
3031 Not in use
3032 Operating Mode Display Brightness
R/W 10%-100%, multiplied by 10
3033 Standby Mode Display Brightness
R/W 0%-100%, multiplied by 10
3034 Apply Brightness Settings
R/W If 1, apply values from registers 3032 and 3033