Fidelix FX-RP multiDISPLAY
Programming manual
page 12 of 38
The “Send to uSD-card” button copies the conversion result to a removable memory device containing a
“UserFiles” folder.
When using an empty µSD card for the first time, a folder called “UserFiles” must be created manually,
or the “UserFiles” folder, generated by the converter must be copied manually.
The converter program searches for a Windows removable memory drive that has a folder called
“UserFiles” in its root alphabetically. This means that, for instance, if there is a drive “G:” that contains another
memory card which also has a “UserFiles” folder, this folder will be overwritten.
The “uSD-card” tick box should only be selected (ticked) if you want to use the project from a
SD memory
card. When not ticked, the project size is limited to 768 kB (256 kB for V1 displays) and all project files will
be copied into the FX-RP multiDISPLAY’s internal memory upon startup of the display.
A μ
SD-card can be
used for projects that are bigger than the internal memory, in which case only the font files need to fit into the
internal memory of the FX-RP multiDISPLAY. By checking the µSD-Card checkbox, the converter will not
make one file of the project, to be loaded into the internal memory, but instead, will generate a file containing
only the used fonts.
During development, it is recommended to use the “µSD-card” feature. This will speed up the starting of the
display as only fonts need to be loaded into the memory.
During commissioning the tick box should not be ticked
. Make a final conversion and copy the project
onto a µSD card. Now, simply put the µSD card in the display, power up the display and wait for a few seconds
while the project is loaded into the internal memory. Now, take the power off the display, remove the µSD
card, and power up the display. You are now running your project from the internal memory.
The “Use Transparency for Images” selection defines if you want to have transparent background for images.
The loading of images takes more time if a transparent background is used. If not selected then instead of
transparency, the page’s background colour is used.
The “Use Transparency for Text” selection defines if you want to have transparent background for text. The
loading of text takes more time if a transparent background is used. If not selected then instead of
transparency, the page’s background colour is used.
The “No Warnings” selection discards some not so important warning messages during the conversion
The “Use Same Background for All Pages” selection is used if you want to have the same background image
for all pages. This saves memory and helps to keep project size under 768kB. When using this feature, you
have to define all objects as active object, because all static objects are discarded in this case. This means
that for example you may define the page title as text object having pointID “Title”, in which case it is generated
as an active object, but not linked to any physical register.
The “Large Memory (STM32F405)” tick box should be ticked when you are converting a project for a V2
display (so, purchased later then 2016). This will allow for the full memory to be used. If you are converting a
project to be used with a V1 display, which only has 256 kB of memory available for projects, make sure the
box is unticked.
Converting HTML files to the DISPLAY format
The HTMLtoDisplay program is used to convert HTML files to the format supported by the FX-RP multiDISPLAY.
Conversion is started by opening the .htm file of the project’s main page. This is the page that will show up when
the display is power up, or when a link pointing to “CLOSE” is used. The converter will go through the links in
the page and any linked page. This means the converter needs to be started only once. If any dead links are
found, the process will be aborted. During conversion, the results will be stored into \UserFiles folder.
This means that if you want to have pages that are forced to show up by the Modbus master, but that cannot be
accessed through the normal UI, you have to include a “hidden” link somewhere in the project. This hiding can