Minimum travel speed for hydraulic motor control activation (Vel.Min.)
Indicates the minimum travel speed required to activate movement of the hydraulic motor
connected to the transmission shaft that transmits motion to the transplanting elements. If the
travel speed is less than the set value, the transplanting bodies do not move.
Maximum travel speed for hydraulic motor control activation (Vel.Max.)
Indicates the maximum travel speed required to activate movement of the hydraulic motor
connected to the transmission shaft that transmits motion to the transplanting elements. If the
travel speed is more than the set value, the transplanting bodies do not move.
Anti spike filter coefficient (Spike filter)
Indicates the filter coefficient that prevents any spikes on the encoder signals from distorting the
angular speed of the sensor. It indicates the number of values analysed by the system for
evaluating any spikes.
“PSC Slaves” board selection (PSC Slaves)
This setting is used if you want to add one or two additional boards to the main PSC hydraulic drive
for transplanters with more than one independent transmission shaft. If you have one or more
additional boards connected select “Yes”, otherwise select “No”. For the Slave boards connection
diagram, see the “PSC SLAVE BOARDS CONNECTION DIAGRAM” section in this manual.
Wheel encoder and Motor encoder frequency monitor (freqW - freqM)
This page displays the Wheel and Motor encoder signal frequency values in real time. It is useful to
monitor the two frequencies during testing to check stability of the signals.