The machine should be regularly inspected for
the following possible defects, and repaired if
• Damage to power cord
• Broken on/off trigger assembly.
• Short circuiting.
• Damaged moving parts.
Trouble shooting
1 When switched on, the motor does not turn.
• Failure in power supply.
• Check the power supply.
• Poor contact in the on/off trigger.
• Repair or replace the trigger assembly.
• Mains voltage too low.
• Extension lead too long, or too light.
• Damaged motor.
• Have your machine repaired by an expert.
• Carbon brushes worn.
• Replace the carbon brushes
2 Motor generates excessive noise, and runs
too slowly or not at all.
• Motor is overloaded due to excessive pressure
or drilling depth.
• Reduce the pressure or drilling depth, reduce
• Damaged motor.
• Have your machine repaired by an expert.
• Supply voltage too low.
• Adjust the supply voltage.
• Carbon brushes worn.
• Replace the carbon brushes
3 Overheating in the transmission case.
• Overloading of machine, or blunt drill bit
• Reduce the loading, or hone the drill bit.
• Reduced voltage.
• Adjust the supply voltage.
4 Heavy sparking from the motor.
• Inspect the carbon brushes for wear.
Replacing carbon brushes
• Replace both carbon brushes at the same time.
• Regularly check the carbon brushes for wear
and defects.
• Always replace worn-out carbon brushes.
• Always keep the carbon brushes clean, and
make sure that neither brush is obstructed.
• Open the machine to inspect/replace the car-
bon brushes.
• Remove and replace the carbon brushes if
• Reassemble the rear handgrip.
Clean the machine casings regularly with a soft
cloth, preferably after each use. Make sure that
the ventilation openings are free of dust and dirt.
Remove very persistent dirt using a soft cloth
moistened with soapsuds. Do not use any sol-
vents such as gasoline, alcohol, ammonia, etc.
Chemicals such as these will damage the synthe-
tic components.
Regularly grease the hammer drill shaft.
Should a fault occur, e.g. after wear of a part, ple-
ase contact the service address on the warranty
card. In the back of this manual you find an explo-
ded view showing the parts that can be ordered.
To prevent damage during transport, the applian-
ce is delivered in a solid packaging which con-
sists largely of reusable material. Therefore plea-
se make use of options for recycling the packa-
Faulty and/or discarded electrical or
electronic apparatus have to be collec-
ted at the appropriate recycling loca-
For the conditions of warranty, please refer to the
separately provided warranty card.
Udskiftning ad kulbørster
• Udskift begge kulbørster samtidig.
• Kontroller regelmæssigt kulbørsterne for slitage
og defekter.
• Udskift altid slidte kulbørster.
• Hold altid kulbørster rene og sørg for, at ingen
af børsterne er blokeret.
• Åben maskinen for at inspicere/udskifte kulbør-
• Fjern og udskift kulbørsterne om nødvendigt.
• Monter det bageste håndtag igen.
Rengør regelmæssigt maskinhusene med en
blød klud, helst efter hver brug. Sørg for, at venti-
lationsåbningerne er fri for støv og snavs. Fjern
vedholdende snavs ved hjælp af en klud, der er
fugtet med sæbelud. Brug aldrig opløsningsmid-
ler, som f.eks. benzin, sprit, salmiak osv., da
sådanne kemikalier beskadiger de syntetiske
Smør regelmæssigt borehammerens aksel.
Skulle en fejl opstå, f.eks. pga. slidtage af en
enhed, kontakt venligst serviceadressen på
garantibeviset. På bagsiden af denne manual fin-
der du en tegning med alle dele, der kan bestil-
For at undgå transportbeskadigelse leveres mas-
kinen i en solid emballage. Emballagen er så vidt
muligt lavet af genbrugsmateriale. Genbrug der-
for emballagen.
Defekte og/eller kasserede elektriske
eller elektroniske maskiner skal aflever-
es på en genbrugsplads.
Se venligst garantibetingelserne på garantikortet,
som er vedlagt separat.