FENTON MOBILITY PRODUCTS, 26 Center Street, Randolph NY 14772 - Shift N Step Operators Manual
After sliding the motor mounting plate backward and disengaging the pinion gear, remove the tool from the pin,
reverse the tool and insert the end of the tool (with the gear teeth cut into it) into the slot in the side of the base
nearest the pin with the orange ring, while simultaneously placing the hole in the tool with the orange ring over
the pin with the matching orange ring. (The Tool may be flipped over to provide the best angle for movement.)
With the gear teeth of the tool engaged into the gear teeth of the rack gear, rotate the outward end of the tool
counter-clockwise to shift left or clockwise to shift right. Disengage and re-engage the tool and repeat as
necessary to shift to desired position. If the lift cannot be moved, check to make sure that the pinion gear is
completely disengaged from the rack gear. If movement is still not possible, a mechanical failure has occurred
and professional service will be required.