User’s Manual S40-T
Input Menu
The input menu selects the input signal range. Options avail-
able are Pt100/RTD 2 or 3 wires, and thermocouples J, K, T,
E, S, R, N, C, L and X.
Note - Thermocouple X is a linear signal at 10uV/ºC.
The instrument manages up to 4 alarms. Each alarm is
controlled by the condition “display higher (or lower) than
the configured setpoint”. The front leds are controlled by
the activation / deactivation of the related alarm. The relays
installed on Option1 and/or Option2 are controlled by Alarm1
and Alarm2.
Active (Act) -
Value “On/Off”. Defines if the instrument has to
manage this alarm or not. Select “Off” for alarm not managed.
Type (tyPE)
- Value “Max/Min”. Defines the behavior of the
alarm as maximum or minimum alarm. The alarms config
ured as maximum are activated when the display value is
equal or higher than the setpoint. The alarms configured as
maximum are deactivated when the display is lower than
the setpoint. The alarms configured as minimum have the
inverse behavior.
Setpoint (SEt) -
Value from “9999” to “-1999”. Alarm set point.
Hysteresis (hySt) -
Value from “0” to “9999”. Points of hyster-
esis. The hysteresis applies on the deactivation of the alarm.
Delay (dEL) -
Value from “0.0” to “99.9” seconds. Delay to be
applied to the relay activation and deactivation. Relays are
activated and deactivated X seconds after the activation /
deactivation of the alarm. The delay affects only to the relays.
The delay does not affect to the front leds.
Setpoint2 (SEt2) -
Value from “-1999” to “9999”. Second
setpoint. The second setpoint allows for the creation of acti-
vation windows. If the alarm is configured as maximum with
setpoint 1000 and setpoint2 is configured at 1500, the alarm
will be activated between 1000 and 1500 and the alarm will
be deactivated when display is <1000 and >1500. Setpoint2
is affected on the same way as the setpoint with hysteresis
and delays.
Display Menu
Functions on this menu allow for configuration of the visu
Steps (StEP) -
Display changes on predefined steps. Values
are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50. The display is made in steps of X
counts. For example, select a step of 20 will make the display
to change in steps of 20 (1420, 1440, 1460, ...).
Maximum (MAX) -
Memory of maximum display. Indicates
the maximum value of display since the last reset of the
memory. Memory is reset on the following cases : manual
reset from the Configuration Menu (Maximum), change on
the input signal (Input), modification on the scaling (Scaling),
change on the decimal point (dP), modification of the linear
ization segments, or instrument power-down.
Minimum (MIn) -
Memory of minimum display. Indicates the
minimum value of display since the last reset of the memory.
Memory is reset on the following cases : manual reset from
the Configuration Menu (minimum), change on the input
signal (Input), modification on the scaling (Scaling), change
on the decimal point (dP), modification of the linearization
segments, or instrument power-down.
AlarmX Menu
Temperature Configuration Menu
The temperature configuration menu sets the function param
eters for Pt100/RTD and thermocouple sensors.
Degrees (dEG) -
Value “ºC/ºF”. Select the temperature to be
displayed in celsius or fahrenheit degrees.
Pt100/RTD resolution (P.rES) -
Value “1º/0.1º”. Resolution
for the Pt100/RTD. Select to display with degree or tenth of
degree resolution.
Offset (oFFS) -
Value from “-1999” to “9999” counts. Offset
to be added to the reading. Both for Pt100/RTD and ther-
Thermocouple Cold Junction Compensation (t.cJc) -
ue “On/Off”. Select “On” for automatic CJC compensation in
the instrument. Select “Off” to disable the CJC compensation.
On break (on.bk) -
Value “to_h/to_l”. Select “To L” to make
the reading go to minimum, in case of probe broken. Select
“To H” to make the reading go to maximum in case of probe
Alpha (ALPh) -
Value “385/390”. Select “385” or “390” ac-
cording to your PT100/RTD sensor.