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User Manual – FELIX Pro 1
Rev 3
[email protected]
Clean the print-bed
A grease free bed is essential for proper print-object adhesion to the heated bed. Since the whole object
depends on the adhesion of the first layer, it is the most important layer and you should make sure this
layer finishes perfectly. When the objects comes loose, the print fails or worse it could damage the printer.
To clean the bed please do the following:
Clean the bed from plastic residue from a previous print
job. Scrape it of or carefully use the supplied tweezers for
smaller particles.
Degrease the bed with a detergent like alcohol, blue spirit
or acetone by putting it on a cloth or paper towel and
gently rubbing the heated bed surface.
Tip: For better access, you can remove the print bed.
When placing it back make sure it is placed back properly.
The bed is able to reach temperatures of 100 °C, so
be aware of the current bed temperature.
Make sure the contact points underneath the heated
bed are clean from debris and finger grease. This
could cause bad electrical contact.
Please make sure before leaving your printer without supervision, that the first layer is printed