UltraVoice Remote Interface (UVRI-B)
Federal Signal www.fedsig.com
General Maintenance
Checking Signal Operational
To check signal operation:
1. When checking for proper control module output, unplug the terminal strip connector
to the speakers to eliminate output from the speaker array.
2. Activate each of the signals and observe the signal indicators on the control module
and the amplifiers.
3. If desired, connect an oscilloscope or digital multi-meter (DMM) to the amplifier
module output terminal strip to observe the amplifier output. This output should be at
least 25.5 V
for the 100-watt amplifier during a signal if the amplifier is programmed
to run at full power.
4. Plug all of the amplifier terminal strip connectors to enable amplifier outputs.
5. Verify that the system status is reported correctly at the control point. Check each
status point to verify both pass and fail conditions are correctly reported. Verify that
the relay output closes with each function activated.
Checking the Battery Charger
To check the battery charger:
1. Connect AC power and verify that the battery charger LED D118 is on.
2. Charger should be at 13.5-13.6 Vdc when charging the battery.
NOTE: Charger fails when voltage drops below 8.7 Vdc.
Checking the Battery
To check the battery:
1. Remove AC power and measure the DC voltage across the DC input connector on
the control board. If the battery has been charging for at least 24 hours, this voltage
should be above 12.75 Vdc.
2. Typically, the battery needs to be replaced every 3 to 5 years depending on the
application environment. The battery life is diminished if it is left in a discharged state
for prolonged periods.
3. Maintain or replace the battery as recommended by its manufacturer; obey local or
state laws governing the disposal of lead-acid batteries.
4. Check the battery terminals for corrosion. Clean and grease connectors and terminals
if necessary.
Replacing the Battery
To replace the battery:
1. Disconnect the battery from the control board by unplugging the connector at JP36.
2. Disconnect the battery wires from the battery terminals.
3. Remove and retain the two screws that retain the battery bracket.