6.2 Single-Flavor Operation
To pour a drink in the single-flavor setup, tap a flavor and then press and hold the POUR button. When a flavor is selected,
the name of that flavor will appear across the top of the menu region, the flavor button will enlarge, and the POUR button
will appear (
Figure 6.3
). The dispenser will continue pouring as long as the POUR button is pressed. The single-flavor
setup, as the name suggests, only allows for one flavor to be selected at a time. If another flavor is selected, the previous
flavor will automatically be deselected.
6.3 Multi-Flavor Operation
The multi-flavor setup allows the user to select more than one flavor add-in for the drink. When one or more flavors are
selected, those flavors will gray-out and the POUR button will blink to indicate the dispenser can start pouring. Once
all wanted flavor add-ins are selected and the POUR button blinks, press and hold the POUR button (
Figure 6.4
). The
dispenser will continue pouring as long as the POUR button is pressed. If the POUR button is pushed without any flavors
selected, only the base flavor will dispense.
Figure 6.3
Figure 6.4