6 Warranty
Extract from our warranty conditions
Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG products are produced to state of the art production methods
and are subject to strict quality control.
Should, contrary to all expectations, defects occur, we undertake to find a remedy within the war-
ranty period.
We shall make good or replace defective goods, at our own discretion, within a reasonable pe-
riod set by you and at our own cost. Replaced goods become our property and are to be returned
to us.
If improvement or replacement delivery is not possible or does not occur or fails for other reasons
for which we are responsible within a period determined by you, you can opt to withdraw from
the contract for the defective delivery or reduce the purchase price.
We are not liable for damage to the goods caused by natural wear and tear, wear, unsuitable,
improper or non-contractual use, incorrect assembly, installation or putting into service, excessive
loading or improper change, improvement or repair work by you or third parties or incorrect or
negligent treatment, provided these are not through our fault.
Further claims, in particular claims for compensation instead of the performance and for com-
pensation of other direct or indirect losses – including accompanying or consequential loss, for
whatever legal reason – are excluded. This does not apply if
a) we are maliciously silent with regard to a legal or material defect or have issued a guarantee
for the nature of the goods,
b) the loss is due to deliberate intent or gross negligence by us, our legal representatives or vi-
carious agents or are based on negligent breach of fundamental contract obligations by these
persons, or
c) culpable violation of duty by us, our legal representatives or vicarious agents which have
resulted in physical injuries or damage to health.
In the case of simple negligence, however, our obligation to pay damages is limited to the
amount of typical, foreseeable losses for the type of contract.
All defect claims including the claims for compensation covered by our terms and conditions of
supply expire one year after delivery of the goods to your. The limitation period for replacements
and improvements is 1 year but it expires at least when the original limitation period for the de-
livered object expires. The period for defects liability for a supplied object will be extended by the
duration of the operational interruption caused by the making good work. Provisions concerning
a shorter life of the object supplied within the scope of its intended use remain unaffected by this
limitation provision.
For further information, please refer to our terms and conditions of supply, which we will pleased to
make available on request.