This technical manual contains instructions on the installation and use of the series MCxx 3002, 3003
and 3006 external Motion Controllers.
Commissioning also requires use of the communication and function manual according to the inter-
face option selected. Accordingly, reference is made here and elsewhere in this technical manual to
the communication and function manual. Please note and follow the instructions given there.
Overview of the FAULHABER Motion Control Systems documents
Technical Manual
Device installation, safety, specification
Communication and function manual (CANopen FAULHABER)
Communication and function manual (CANopen CiA)
Communication and function manual (RS232)
Initial start-up, function overview, protocol descripti-
on, parameter description and notes on autonomous
sequential programs (only RS232)
Motion Manager instruction manual
Operation of the "FAULHABER Motion Manager"
PC software for configuration and commissioning
Product data sheets
Technical limit and operating data
The documentation is available on request or on the FAULHABER internet site (