СРС308 Processor Module
The Module Structure and Functioning
C P C 3 0 8 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 1 3 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 1 b E
CompactFlash Connector
A flash memory card is a compact removable data storage device. To enable memory cards
utilization as disc storage devices, a 50-pin CompactFlash (XP12) connector is installed on the
bottom side of the
CPC308 board:
Type I / II devices support,
UDMA mode support.
Fig. 3-17: CompactFlash XP12 Connector
If the module is used in severe operating conditions, it is necessary to take
additional measures to fix the CompactFlash device in the connector!
The designation of the CompactFlash connector contacts are shown in the table below.