In performing all necessary installation and application operations, please follow only the instructions supplied
by the present manual.
In order to keep Fastwel’s warranty, you must not change or modify this product in any way, other than
specifically approved by Fastwel or described in this manual.
Technical characteristics of the systems in which this product is installed, such as operating temperature
ranges and power supply parameters, should conform to the requirements stated by this document.
Retain all the original packaging, you will need it to pack the product for shipping in warranty cases or for safe
storage. Please, pack the product for transportation in the way it was packed by the supplier.
When handling the product, please, remember that the module, its components and connectors require
delicate care. Always keep in mind the ESD sensitivity of the product.
1. Warranty period
Fastwel Co. Ltd. (Fastwel) endeavors to offer customers the most comprehensive post-sales services and
protection, offering a 1 year warranty to standard Fastwel products. Within the warranty period, customers are
entitled to receive comprehensive and prompt repair and warranty.
Standard products manufactured by Fastwel are offered a warranty of 1 year, from the date of delivery from
Fastwel. For non-Fastwel products, the product warranty and repair time shall be based on the service
standards provided by the original manufacturer; in principle Fastwel will provide a warranty service for no
more than one year over these products.
2. Maintenance service within the warranty period
In the case of a DOA (Defect-on-Arrival) of a Fastwel product where the customer finds any defect within 1
month after the delivery, Fastwel will replace it with a new product in a soonest way to fulfill our
responsibilities. For the returned defective new product, it is necessary to verify that there shall be no bruise,
alteration, scratch or marking to the appearance, and that none of the delivered accessories is missing;
otherwise, the customer will be requested to pay a partial processing fee. On the other hand, if the new
product defect is resulting from incorrect configuration or erroneous use by the user instead of any problem of
the hardware itself, the customer will also be requested to pay for relevant handling fees.
As for other conditions, Fastwel will handle defects by way of repair. The customer will be requested to send
the defective product to a Fastwel authorized service center, and Fastwel will return the repaired product back
to the customer as soon as possible.
3. Ruling of an out-of-warranty defect
The following situations are not included in the warranty:
The warranty period has expired.
Product has been altered or its label of serial number has been destroyed or torn off.
Product functionality issues resulting from improper use by the user, unauthorized dismantle or
alteration, unfit operation environment, improper maintenance, accident or other causes. Fastwel
reserves the right for the ruling of the aforementioned situations.
Product damage resulting from fire, lightening, floods, earthquakes or other calamity.
The ruling of warranty of non-Fastwel products and accessories shall be in accordance with standards
set up by the original manufacturer. These products and accessories include RAM, HDD, FDD, CD-
ROM, CPU, FAN, etc.
Product upgrade request or test request submitted by the customer after expiration of warranty.
For further questions, please e-mail to our support staff: [email protected].
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