This product was developed for fault-free operation. Its design provides conformance to all related safety
requirements. However, the life of this product can be seriously shortened by improper handling and incorrect
operation. That is why it is necessary to follow general safety and operational instructions below.
All operations on this device must be carried out by sufficiently skilled
personnel only.
When handling this product, special care must be taken not to hit
the heatsink (if installed) against another rigid object. Also, be careful not to
drop the product, since this may cause damage
to the heatsink, CPU or other sensitive components as well.
Please, keep in mind that any physical damage to this product
is not covered under warranty.
This product is guaranteed to operate within the published temperature
ranges and relevant conditions. However, prolonged operation near the
maximum temperature is not recommended by Fastwel or by electronic
chip manufacturers due to thermal stress related failure mechanisms.
These mechanisms are common to all silicon devices, they can reduce the
MTBF of the product by increasing the failure probability. Prolonged
operation at the lower limits of the temperature ranges has no limitations.
Caution, Electric Shock!
Before installing this product into a system and before installing other
devices on it, always ensure that your mains power is switched off.
Always disconnect external power supply cables during all handling and
maintenance operations with this module to avoid serious danger of
electrical shock.
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