LOKAL 400 Operating Manual
Page 12
7 Searching for a leakage by correlation
The LOKAL 400 is capable of calculating the precise position of a leakage (correlation). In order to do so,
please proceed as described in Chapter 5.1
“Powering-up for correlation“ and closely follow the hints
concerning the different types of sensor, the measurement boxes, and the signal entries. If you intend to
start a correlation process, please tap on the correlation icon displayed or start the process with the dial
and the corresponding selections.
Basically, the LOKAL 400 device offers a
“manual“ correlation mode and an ”automatic“ correlation mode.
The “manual“ calculation requires analogue filters and signal amplification level to be defined by the
operator, whereas in the
”automatic“ mode the LOKAL 400 system selects such settings by itself on the
basis of certain algorithms. All settings concerning signal amplification and filter selection can also be
changed manually in any measurement mode in the correlation main window, i.e. there is the option to
readjust the parameters manually after a certain measurement also in the automatic mode.
7.1 Automatic measurement
If you intend to carry out a measurement in the automatic mode, please tap on the automatic
measurement icon shown above. With this mode being selected, the correlation will
start in the
automatic mode [filters and amplification are set by the system] in the correlation main mask.
7.1.1 Entering pipe parameters
If the automatic measurement mode has been selected, the next window will display a table where the
pipe parameters such as pipe material [1], pipe length [2], and pipe diameter [3] need to be entered. As
soon as the relevant data has been entered in this line,
the “Sound Velocity“ column [4] indicates the
assigned sound velocity for this pipe section.
The values are assigned in a table and saved in the device, but they can also be changed manually for
each section subsequently. This, however, is recommended for experienced operators only. If the sound
velocity was changed by mistake, it will be sufficient to change any parameter of the pipe and then to
reset it. The assigned sound velocity will then be indicated in the column again.