delete time
reasons, the device can no longer receive the multicast rtp packet,
through this configuration, the monitoring will be cancelled after
the specified time
SIP priority
The priority defined in the current call, 1 is the highest priority, and
10 is the lowest.
Intercom priority
Compared with multicast and SIP priority, high priority can be
inserted, low priority is rejected
Enable page priority
Regardless of who calls in the two multicasts first, the device will
give priority to the multicast with the higher priority
Listened multicast server name
Host: port
Listened multicast server’s multicast IP address and port.
9.21 Intercom Settings >> Action URL
Figure 31 - Action URL
Table 15 - Action URL
Action URL Settings
Configure the URL for reporting actions to the server, for example, fill in the URL:
http://InternalServer /FileName.xml?
(Internal Server is the IP address of the server, and File Name is the xml file name of the storage
device reporting action)