Model 520 HT UCA
Revision A, October 2015
accept the current profile and continue or cancel to make further modifications.
Once the first ramp has been entered, press the NEXT STEP button to proceed to
the next ramp or DONE to end the profile programming. If you end the
programming at this point and start the test the temperature will reach set point and
then fall because there was no second ramp or soak entered.
From this screen a second ramp may be entered or the user can enter a soak. To
initiate a soak the user must use the Soak keypad button in the Ramp Time box.
This will tell the computer to hold continuously at the programmed temperature. If
you enter Soak as the time, the Start Value temperature and the End Value
temperature must be the same. After entering all of your ramps and soak, you may
press Done to complete the programming process. If you press Done, a graph will
be displayed showing exactly what you have entered for your temperature profile as
shown below:
From this screen the user may press OK if the graph is correct or Change to go
back to the programming screens to correct any programming errors. If Accept is
pressed the TEST SETUP screen will be displayed again. From here press DONE
and the main menu will appear. Press START TEST to begin the test or any of the
other buttons to change alarm values, slurry type, etc.
5.3.1 Alarm Values –
The Alarm Values Button allows the user to enter unlimited alarm values for
compressive strength and test time. The PC will notify the user when these values
have been reached and at what time they were reached. The highest value entered
here will become the default AUTO-SHUTDOWN value during a test.