LE-03MB - User manual
6.4. Power supply and power meter
85÷275 V AC 50/60 Hz ±10%
120÷380 V DC ±20%
<10VA; <2W
6.5. Measurement inputs
6.6. Pulse outputs
Output type: OC (open collector); 27V DC/50mA
Pulse output 1 is configurable: for kWh or kvarh. Value set kWh/kvarh per 1 pulse:
0.01 = 10 Wh/VArh
0.1 = 100 Wh/VArh
1 = 1 kWh/kVArh
10 = 10 kWh/kVArh
100 = 100 kWh/kVArh
1000 = 1000 kWh/kVArh
Pulse output 2 is non-configurable for kWh: 3200pulse/kWh
Pulse width:
Output 1 - configurable:
200 / 100 / 60 ms
Output 2 – non-configurable:
6.7. M-Bus output
Baud rate: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 bps
Parity: NONE - deafault / ODD / EVEN
Stop bits: 1 / 2
Network address: basic 1÷250, expanded 0÷99999999;
6.8. Reference conditions of influence quantities
Influence quantities are variables that effect measurement errors to a minor degree.
Accuracy is verified under nominal value (within the specified tolerance) of these conditions.
Ambient temperature
23°C ±1°C
Input frequency
50 or 60 Hz ±2%
Input waveform
sinusoidal (distortion factor <0.005)
Auxiliary supply voltage
±1% nominal
Auxiliary supply frequency
±1% nominal
Auxiliary supply waveform (if AC)
sinusoidal (distortion factor <0.05)
Magnetic field of external origin
terrestial flux