Driver Delay Menu
The Driver Delay improve accuracy of multiple loudspeaker systems (Time-Align). 4 selectable units
allow precise and flexible adjustments of the distances in meter, feet, time and number of samples
@ 48kHz (1 sample = 20.83us or 7.146 mm).
Switches the driver delay on and off. This action is executed immediately and immediate audible.
Meter: [m], Samples:, Feet: [ft] and Time: [ms]
These units change their values based on increments/decrements of samples @ 48kHz, because it is
the smallest and most precise unit for short delays.
The range is adjustable from 1 - 480 samples, 0.007 - 3.43m, 0.02 - 11.3ft, 0.02 - 10ms.
Preset Menu
Up to 20 user presets can be stored. Select with the Rotary Function Dial the desired preset number
and press the Push Button. Only the ‘Store’ and ‘EXIT’ options are available in case the location is
‘-empty-’, otherwise also ‘Load’ and ‘Clear’ are available for selection.
The display informs the user for a brief moment to enter a name, followed by the edit screen.
Enter the name in the following display. The name can have up to 11 characters. Select the charac-
ters by using the Rotary Function Dial. The cursor position is shown by an underscore. Move to the
next position with the Push Button.
If the last position is reached the cursor will move to the first position again.
Long press the Push Button leave the name edit field and reach the option ‘Store’. Select the other
options ‘Clear’ and ‘EXIT’ with the Rotary Function Dial.
Pressing the Push Button confirms the selection.
Selecting ‘store’ will not prompt for a confirmation.
A brief message is displayed.
Long press the Push Button exits the name edit mode without preset storing.
Further rotating of the Rotary Function Dial shifts a bold cursor to the name field again. Pressing
the Push Button at each position to edit the name again.
The preset is loaded without further confirmation.
Note: The Preset will become audible immediately!
Clr (Clear) Löschen
Deletes the selected preset. This process requires a ‘yes’ or ‘Exit’ confirmation. It can be cancelled
by selecting ‘EXIT’ with the Rotary Function Dial or by long press the Push Button.
Password Menu
The system provides a 4 digit password protection to avoid unauthorized or unintended modifica-
tions of the settings.
All combinations from 0000 to 9999 can be used as password.