: Like Tap4, but with two bars. With the 9th beat the metronome starts automatically.
: The trigger channel has no function. Neither a sound nor a function is triggered.
12.3 VOL*
This function lets you specify whether the signal of the selected drum channel is sent through the
EQ (EQ+) or not (EQ-). This function is available only when "Drum" is set to BUS in the EQ page.
The BUS signal itself is not affected by the EQ.
With BAL you determine where the sound should be heard in the stereo sound image (right <>
left). Please note that the setting affects both the signal applied to the internal mixing console and the
BUS signal (the individual outputs). For example, if you have routed a tom to BUS 3+4 and now turn
BAL all the way to the right, the signal will only be on BUS 4, but no longer on BUS 3.
With VOL you can control the volume of the sound or the drum channel respectively. Changing
the value automatically affects the VOL value on the DRUM page in the SOUND menu, which is
identical to this.